Concrete drag pump common problems

2023-09-15 09:30:18 Concrete pump trucks-factory-Truemax Read

Concrete towing pump engine speed decline: concrete towing pump, engine speed suddenly drop, first of all to test the power of the concrete towing pump engine itself, if the engine itself output power is lower than the rated power, it may be poor fuel quality, low fuel pressure, brake and its control lever problems and turbocharger carbon accumulation. If the engine output power is normal, it is necessary to check whether the flow of the hydraulic pump and the output power of the engine do not match. This kind of failure should start with the electrical system, then check the hydraulic system, and then check the mechanical transmission system.

Concrete drag pump

Slow working speed: The slow speed of the concrete pump truck operator is mainly due to the wear of all parts of the machine caused by engine power decline and hydraulic system leakage. The hydraulic pump of the concrete drag pump is a plunger variable pump, and after working for a certain period of time, the internal hydraulic components of the pump (cylinder, plunger, nine-hole plate, etc.) will inevitably produce excessive wear, which will cause internal leakage, and the parameters are not coordinated, resulting in insufficient flow rate and high oil temperature, and the working speed is slow. At this time, the whole machine needs to be overhauled, and the parts with excessive wear are repaired and replaced. Concrete drag pump AUID(Automatic idle) technology, effective control of fuel consumption and engine wear, and variable pump control system, higher precision, and improve efficiency!

The solenoid valve of the concrete drag pump does not work, when the solenoid valve is controlled on the operation panel, the solenoid valve cannot be opened manually or automatically, and the solenoid coil or pilot valve or operation button can be replaced. If the valve cannot be opened manually, replace the solenoid valve when the air outlet on the solenoid valve is discharged. If you cannot open the solenoid valve manually, check whether there is air leakage inside the cylinder, sealing ring, piston rod, compression screw, etc.

Concrete trailer pump truck

When the cylinder does not work, the concrete drag pump belt should be regularly checked the operation of the roller, and the roller should be replaced in time when it is found that it does not turn, and it can not work with illness, otherwise it will lead to the belt scratch; The lubricating oil of the electric roller of the concrete drag pump belt machine should be checked regularly, added and replaced in time. Remove the oil sludge inside the cylinder.

The daily maintenance of the concrete pump is to prevent the occurrence of potential failures, so we must form the habit of timely and regular maintenance of the equipment in the daily use process. In addition, maintenance also needs to adhere to the correct maintenance guidelines, just as cleaning the computer does not require you to rinse the computer with water. If the concrete pump is improperly maintained, it may also lead to seal damage, resulting in slurry leakage or other component damage.

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